Found 34 results.
Elgin’s Industrial History–Silos & Raceways & Beer, oh my!
in onRiverLife Elgin and the Elgin History Museum invite you to this informative talk about Elgin’s industrial past. Elgin’s rockstar historian…
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What’s Coming Down the Line: Railroads in the American Mind with Mike Matejka
in onIllinois is the nation’s railroad crossroads. This not only shaped the state’s economy and communities but created an industry with…
Celebrating 75 Years of the Elgin Symphony Orchestra program at Gail Borden
in onMain Library Elgin RoomThursday, February 206:30 – 7:30 pmPlease register: Through archival photos & video interviews, learn the rich history…
Elgin History Museum’s Trivia Night FUN-Raiser 2025
in onGather your friends, form a team, and join us for a night of fun, learning, and friendly competition. You’ll learn…
Entertaining Elgin program at Gail Borden Public Library
in onEntertaining Elgin program at Gail Borden Public Library. Event by the Elgin History Museum and Gail Borden. What did Elginites do…
Make LeeWards Style Ornaments at the Museum
in onAn Elgin Christmas tree is not complete without an ornament from LeeWards. For decades LeeWards sold craft supplies and decorations…
Mid Century Christmas program with Leslie Goddard at the Elgin History Museum
in onChristmas in America from the 1940s through the 1960s meant aluminum trees, department store Santas and TV specials. Every kid…
Spooky Fun: Fall Events in the Elgin Area
inFall is here, and with it comes a season of spooks, thrills, and family-friendly fun. Elgin and the surrounding area…
Wine and Halloween Candy Tasting FUN-raiser for the Elgin History Museum
in onWhether you’re a wine aficionado or a candy connoisseur, this event is your chance to explore a spooktacular selection of…
Elgin History Museum Annual Meeting plus Messengers of the Unseen: Mary Todd Lincoln and the Spiritualists presented by Mike Murschel
in onAnnual Meeting election of officers and short reports on the health of the Museum. The meeting portion should last about…