Disc Golf at Randall Oaks
Disc Golf at Randall Oaks
Disc golf is one of today’s fastest growing sports! Disc golf is similar to regular golf; however, instead of using golf clubs and balls aiming for a hole, disc golf players use golf discs and aim for a disc pole hole, a pole extending up from the ground with chains and a basket where the disc lands. The object of the game is to complete each hole in the fewest number of throws, starting from a tee area and finishing at the disc pole hole. Players start at “hole” one and complete the course in order, playing through to the last hold. The player with lowest total cumulative score wins.
Disc golf is one of the best lifetime fitness sports. It is easy to learn, a healthy activity, and accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels. If you can throw a Frisbee and you like to have fun, you can play disc golf. Bring your own equipment: there is no charge to play! Hours are from dawn to dusk daily. The disc golf course is located in the back of the park, north of the Community Shelter.
Open from sunrise to sunset